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Andrea Turner
Specialist Facilitator Cyber Safety
Andrea is a lawyer with a background and interest in personal injury and employment law. After observing a significant increase in workplace psychological injuries over the years and correlating this increase with the rise in popularity of social media and electronic communications, Andrea has spent time focusing on educating both employers and employees in remaining safe both in and out of the workplace, and advocating for a change to more kinder workplace cultures.
Knowing what types of environments our children are likely to be exposed to, Andrea seeks to empower our young people and educate them on the impact that social media and technology can have on them not just now, but also into the future, and seeks to ensure that students, parents and educators know how to use technology safely and not to be afraid to call out poor behaviours. Being a mum to two young boys has also strengthened Andrea’s resolve to make the world a kinder place to be.
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